Sunday, 14 January 2018

Creating larger watercolours

This week I have been working into my large watercolour paintings, although I am pleased with the outcome of my previous images, I also feel that I needed to make them a little bit more expressive in their composition. I usually have the tendency to really fixate into detail quite often, which is why I felt that I had to really push myself into trying to not care as much about these images being 'perfect' or 'idealised'. These are some of the images of todays session: 

This was a portrait that I did of my sister form christmas. The original image is very warm hearted, depicting her  posing, showing off her new red dress, with a big smile on her face. However, in my portrait of her, I have turned this warm image of her into something rather sinister, and quite frightening. Her make up, which was once perfect and flawless- now drips, and smudges all around her face. Her bright blue eyes are now black. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this image, I think the bright, warm colours of her hair and dress work very effectively, juxtaposed against the blackness of her face. 

Self Portrait 

I am very pleased with the outcome of this image, as I think I feel that I've been successful in creating this very creepy, sinister appearance. I initially began to paint this image very small and precise however; after accidentally spilling some water around the mouth, I decided to not care too much about the appearance of the image, and just continue with painting more red around the mouth.

From looking back at my work, these portraits held a strong resemblance to the character 'The Joker' from the film Batman Begins. 

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